In this blog we are going to discuss about millimeter conversion.To know more about millimeter see the link given millimeter to inch conversion.
The millimetre (Denizen spelling: millimeter, symbol mm) is a unit of size in the metric method, person to one thousandth of a measure, which is the SI lowborn unit of size.
A centimeter (Indweller spelling: centimetre, symbolisation cm) is a unit of size in the function system, tied to one ordinal of a cadence, which is the actual SI fund thing of size. Centi is the SI prefix for a factor of 10-2 1 centimeter to Millimeter:-
1 centimetre is modify to 10 millimeter.
So the procedure statement used to for cenverting centimetre to metre is
X centimeter = 10 * X millimeter.
The assess of X is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,...............
Now lets see few resolved and practice problems on centimetre to millimetre conversion.
Next time we will see some solved example on this math topic.
One more thing i would like to say to you that if you are interested in English Synonyms than see the given link English Synonyms.
There you will get some good English Synonyms.So check that out.